Irish Athletics
Sheldon High School
Announcements and Important Events
Posted 3.0 years ago @ 12:03PM
Hello Sheldon Football families,
I wanted to send a quick note to let you know I attended an OSAA meeting last night.
Here is what we know. There are a few factors in play that will impact the fate of football this year. It begins with the Governors restriction on full contact sports. Currently, full contact football is one of the restricted activities. The OSAA is waiting as long as possible, which will be February 8, to see that the Governors restrictions may change. Given the rules and restrictions present on February 8 the OSAA board will meet and determine the direction of football for Season 2. Some options are:
- If allowed, full contact.
- A version(s) of 7 on 7
- Moving the season
- Cancellation of the season
We understand why the OSAA is waiting as long as possible to make these decisions and hope you do as well. Whatever the outcome, we will do our very best to move quickly and safely with options for our teams. I am committed to sharing information with you as soon as I have it. I will be posting information at and sending emails via synergy and website alerts. I know Coach Line will also be working to keep you informed as well.