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Irish Athletics

Sheldon High School


Irish Athletics

Sheldon High School

Irish Athletics

Sheldon High School

Team News.

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 12:54PM

Volleyball season update 2.11.21

Hello volleyball families,


Hopefully you received an email from the athletic office Friday outlining the OSAA seasons and registration for season 2.  What is happening with volleyball?  You may have noticed that Volleyball is a season 2 sport and set to begin February 22.  On February 8 the OSAA board met and voted on a number of items, including the status of Volleyball in season 2. 


Excerpt from board report:

  • Voted to proceed with Season 2 for volleyball for those schools in counties that are not designated Extreme Risk with practices beginning February 22 and matches beginning March 1. Approved outdoor volleyball as an alternative option if some schools are not able to compete indoors as the school year progresses due to county risk level. 
  • *Approved a Change of Season Request Form for schools/leagues/regions not currently permitted to participate in an activity that want to shift a season to a later date where participation would be allowed in their county. 


We are in extreme risk at this time. Indoor competitions are allowed for counties in high, moderate and low risk. Our region plans to request a shift *(highlighted above) in our season if necessary.  We plan to “wait and see” when the metrics will allow us to move forward with the season. This request will shift the season while maintaining its length and number of competitions.  The shift may push the volleyball season to overlap with the start of season 3 and that is allowable.  If an overlap happens, some athletes who would normally participate in a season 3 sport may have to choose or if possible, participate in both. Our goal is to try to do all we can to provide a volleyball season for our student athletes. 


What will volleyball do while we wait for the season?

  1. Register for volleyball.
  2. The team may practice, train and condition for up to 6 hrs a week; outdoors. Practices are scheduled for next week.

*Current metrics do allow for 6 people in a gym and we are working with our district to coordinate allowing this minimal indoor activity.  


As you know things change very quickly, and we will do our best to keep you up to date with those changes. Simply stated, when we are allowed by the metric, we are planning to play



Thank you for your support. GO IRISH!

Heather Stein

Sheldon Athletics